Water and Sanitation.



Department’s Mandate

The department is responsible for efficient, economic provision of water services within its area of jurisdiction by:

Ensuring that the people of Isiolo County have access to durable and safe water.

Developing new water infrastructure, Rehabilitation and augmentation of existing water supplies

Capacity building members of water management Committees for sustainable management of the projects.

Developing policies for efficient and effective water service provision in the County.

Chief Officer

Dr. CPA Adano. S Kadubo (PHD)


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Korbesa water project to serve Mataarba, Saleti, Korbesa, Rig and Biliki in Cherab ward of Merti Sub County (County Government’s component includes 3.2 Km pipeline to Biliki, laying reticulation system to 3no elevated steel tanks and construction of 11no water kiosks).

1. Formulation of the County Water and Sanitation law that has been passed by the County assembly awaiting formulation of rules and regulations and funding for the institutions created by the law

2.Improvement of human resource for the department by employing of key staff or the water department and these included: a civil engineer (Water); a Mechanical engineer, an electrician and a water supply inspector. This team was immediately deployed to the rapid response team for water supply breakdowns and to date down time on water supply breakdown response has greatly reduced.

3. Increased borehole water supply through projects that are currently operational and these boreholes include: Bulla mpya borehole in Bulla Pesa ward that has a tested yield of 12,400 liters per hour of pumping is currently operational complementing IWASCO water needs in town, drilling of Chechelesi borehole that has a tested yield of 3,900 liters per hour of pumping in Wabera ward, drilling and operationalization of Biliqo-Marara borehole in Charri ward that is currently operational with a tested yield of 4,000 liters per hour of pumping, Drilling and equipping Merti borehole that is currently operational with a tested yield of 18,000litres per hour of pumping, drilling and equipping of Fire Engine borehole at Works office in Isiolo and it is operational with a tested yield of 13,200 liters per hour of pumping, Equipping and extensions of Erimet borehole pumping 4,000litres of water to the community and drilling of Fire Engine borehole at Ministry of Lands, Housing & Urban development Compound in Isiolo County for purposes of effective for fighting in the urban

4. Extension of Sewer line in entire town and in Kiwanjani Area under IWASCO

5.Extension of water pipelines, supply and/or construction of storage facilities and construction of water kiosks and cattle troughs in in the rural water supplies

6.Setting up new water supply for Korbesa cluster to serve settlements of Maatarba, Saleti, Rigga, Korbesa and Biliki in Cherab ward. The County invested over Ksh 20million for this project and it is also co-partnering with Northern Water Works Development Agency and NDMA to realize all components of the project are completed. This project once complete will reduce the County’s burden of water trucking to the mentioned centers

7.Existing rural water supplies are periodically rehabilitated to ensure continuous operations to serve the community with water.

8. Boreholes’ pumping equipment are repaired and/or replaced through provision of Generating sets, pumps and to reduce downtime on water supply interruptions due to breakdowns

9. Solar pumping system have been installed in most community based rural water supplies as responsiveness to green energy solutions

Collaboration with Partners in Water Sub Sector

Korbesa water project in collaboration with National Drought Management Authority (NDMA). NDMA project component includes 13km pipeline from borehole to Booster station and construction of 231 cu.m steel tank at booster station with other auxiliary works

Korbesa water project in collaboration with Northern Water Works Development Agency (NWWDA). NWWDA project components include drilling and equipping of a borehole for Korbesa, fencing borehole site, laying 11km pipeline from borehole to Mataarba and accompanying pipeline extensions to beneficiary centers

Future Plans

The County Water Sector Policy, 2016 (Draft)

Isiolo County Water, Sanitation and Climate Change Sector Strategic Plan 2017-2021 (Draft 3)